# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Thu Sep 15 12:42:49 2016
@author: shint1
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import os
import pickle
import inspect
import re
import fnmatch
import hashlib
import logging
from scipy.stats import norm
from scipy.stats import binned_statistic
from dessn.snana.systematic_names import get_systematic_mapping
[docs]def load_fitres(filename, skiprows=6):
# logging.debug("Loading %s" % filename)
if filename.endswith(".gz"):
compression = "gzip"
compression = None
dataframe = pd.read_csv(filename, sep='\s+', compression=compression, skiprows=skiprows, comment="#")
except ValueError:
logging.error("Filename %s failed to load" % filename)
return None
columns = ['CID', 'IDSURVEY', 'zHD', 'HOST_LOGMASS', 'HOST_LOGMASS_ERR', 'x1',
'x1ERR', 'c', 'cERR', 'mB', 'mBERR', 'x0', 'x0ERR',
'COV_x1_c', 'COV_x1_x0', 'COV_c_x0', 'SIM_mB', 'SIM_x1', 'SIM_c',
'biasCor_mB', 'biasCor_x1', 'biasCor_c']
final_columns = [c for c in columns if c in dataframe.columns]
data = dataframe[final_columns].to_records()
return data
[docs]def is_pos_def(x):
if not np.all(np.isfinite(x)):
return False
return np.all(np.linalg.eigvals(x) > 0)
[docs]def get_scaling():
file = os.path.abspath(inspect.stack()[0][1])
dir_name = os.path.dirname(file)
scale_file = dir_name + os.sep + "CREATE_COV.INPUT"
results = []
with open(scale_file) as f:
for line in f:
if line.startswith("ERRSCALE"):
comps = line.split()
results.append((comps[1], float(comps[3])))
return results
[docs]def load_systematic_names(nml_file):
expression = re.compile("[^#]ITOPT.*\[(.*)\](?!.*FITOPT000).")
with open(nml_file) as f:
results = expression.findall(f.read())
return results
[docs]def get_systematic_scales(nml_file, override=False):
scaling = get_scaling()
systematic_names = load_systematic_names(nml_file)
sys_label_dict = get_systematic_mapping()
systematic_labels = [sys_label_dict.get(n, n) for n in systematic_names]
systematics_scales = []
for name in systematic_names:
scale = 1.0
if not override:
for n, s in scaling:
if fnmatch.fnmatch(name, n):
scale = s
logging.info("Override engaged. Setting scales to unity.")
logging.debug("systemtatic scales are %s" % systematics_scales)
return systematic_labels, systematics_scales
[docs]def get_directories(base_folder):
file = os.path.abspath(inspect.stack()[0][1])
dir_name = os.path.dirname(file)
dump_dir = os.path.abspath(dir_name + "/data_dump/" + base_folder)
output_dir = os.path.abspath(dir_name + "/../framework/simulations/snana_data/") + "/"
if base_folder.split("_")[-1].startswith("v"):
base_folder = "_".join(base_folder.split("_")[:-1])
nml_file = dump_dir + "/" + base_folder + ".nml"
if not os.path.exists(nml_file):
logging.error("Cannot find the NML file at %s" % nml_file)
return dump_dir, output_dir, nml_file
[docs]def get_realisations(base_folder, dump_dir):
if base_folder.endswith("sys"):
base_folder = base_folder[:-4]
if base_folder.split("_")[-1].startswith("v"):
base_folder = "_".join(base_folder.split("_")[:-1])
print("Base folder for sims: %s" % base_folder)
inner_files = sorted(list(os.listdir(dump_dir)))
inner_paths = [dump_dir + "/" + f for f in inner_files]
sim_dirs = [p for p, f in zip(inner_paths, inner_files) if os.path.isdir(p) and f.startswith("DES3YR")]
logging.info("Found %d sim directories in %s" % (len(sim_dirs), dump_dir))
return sim_dirs
[docs]def load_dump_file(sim_dir):
filename = "SIMGEN.DAT.gz" if os.path.exists(sim_dir + "/SIMGEN.DAT.gz") else "SIMGEN.DAT"
compression = "gzip" if filename.endswith("gz") else None
names = ["SN", "CID", "S2mb", "MAGSMEAR_COH", "S2c", "S2x1", "Z"]
keep = ["CID", "S2mb", "MAGSMEAR_COH", "S2c", "Z"]
dtypes = [int, float, float, float, float]
dataframe = pd.read_csv(sim_dir + "/" + filename, compression=compression, sep='\s+',
skiprows=1, comment="V", error_bad_lines=False, names=names)
logging.info("Loaded dump file from %s" % (sim_dir + "/" + filename))
data = dataframe.to_records()
res = []
for row in data:
r = [d(row[k]) for k, d in zip(keep, dtypes)]
except Exception:
data = np.array(res, dtype=[('CID', np.int32), ('S2mb', np.float64), ('MAGSMEAR_COH', np.float64),
("S2c", np.float64), ("Z", np.float64)])
good_mask = (data["S2mb"] > 10) & (data["S2mb"] < 30)
data = data[good_mask]
return data
[docs]def digest_simulation(sim_dir, systematics_scales, output_dir, systematic_labels, load_dump=False, skip=6, biascor=None, zipped=True):
max_offset_mB = 0.2
ind = 0
if "-0" in sim_dir:
ind = int(sim_dir.split("-0")[-1]) - 1
logging.info("Digesting index %d in folder %s" % (ind, sim_dir))
bias_fitres = None
if biascor is not None:
logging.info("Biascor is %s" % biascor)
short_name = os.path.basename(sim_dir).replace("DES3YR", "").replace("_DES_", "").replace("_LOWZ_", "")
bias_loc = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(sim_dir)) + os.sep + biascor + os.sep + short_name
bias_fitres_file = bias_loc + os.sep + "SALT2mu_FITOPT000_MUOPT000.FITRES"
assert os.path.exists(bias_fitres_file)
fres = load_fitres(bias_fitres_file, skiprows=5)
bias_fitres = {"%s_%s" % (row["IDSURVEY"], row["CID"]): [row['biasCor_mB'], row['biasCor_x1'], row['biasCor_c']] for row in fres}
inner_files = sorted(list(os.listdir(sim_dir)))
ending = ".FITRES.gz" if zipped else ".FITRES"
fitres_files = sorted([sim_dir + "/" + i for i in inner_files if i.endswith(ending)])
base_fitres = fitres_files[0]
sysematics_fitres = fitres_files[1:]
logging.info("Have %d fitres files for systematics" % len(sysematics_fitres))
base_fits = load_fitres(base_fitres, skiprows=skip)
sysematics = [load_fitres(m, skiprows=skip) for m in sysematics_fitres]
sysematics_sort_indexes = [None if m is None else np.argsort(m['CID']) for m in sysematics]
sysematics_idss = [None if m is None else m['CID'][s] for m, s in zip(sysematics, sysematics_sort_indexes)]
systematic_labels_save = [s for sc, s in zip(systematics_scales, systematic_labels) if sc != 0]
num_bad_calib = 0
num_bad_calib_index = np.zeros(len(systematic_labels_save))
logging.debug("Have %d, %d, %d, %d systematics" %
(len(sysematics), len(sysematics_sort_indexes), len(sysematics_idss), len(systematics_scales)))
final_results = []
passed_cids = []
all_offsets = []
logging.debug("Have %d rows to process" % base_fits.shape)
mass_mean = np.mean(base_fits["HOST_LOGMASS_ERR"])
not_found = 0
fake_mass = False
if mass_mean == -9 or mass_mean == 0:
logging.warning("Mass is fake")
fake_mass = True
for i, row in enumerate(base_fits):
if i % 1000 == 0 and i > 0:
logging.debug("Up to row %d" % i)
cid = row['CID']
survey_id = row['IDSURVEY']
key = "%s_%s" % (survey_id, cid)
if bias_fitres is None:
not_found += 1
bias_mB, bias_x1, bias_c = 0, 0, 0
if key not in bias_fitres:
not_found += 1
bias_mB, bias_x1, bias_c = bias_fitres[key]
z = row['zHD']
mb = row['mB']
x0 = row['x0']
x1 = row['x1']
c = row['c']
mass = row['HOST_LOGMASS']
mass_err = row['HOST_LOGMASS_ERR']
if mass < 0:
mass_prob = 0
if mass_err < 0.01:
mass_err = 0.01
mass_prob = 1 - norm.cdf(10, mass, mass_err)
if fake_mass:
mass_prob = 0
mbe = row["mBERR"]
x1e = row["x1ERR"]
ce = row["cERR"]
if "SIM_mB" not in row.dtype.names:
sim_mb = 0
sim_x1 = 0
sim_c = 0
sim_mb = row["SIM_mB"]
sim_x1 = row["SIM_x1"]
sim_c = row["SIM_c"]
cov_x1_c = row["COV_x1_c"]
cov_x0_c = row["COV_c_x0"]
cov_x1_x0 = row["COV_x1_x0"]
cmbx1 = -5 * cov_x1_x0 / (2 * x0 * np.log(10))
cmbc = -5 * cov_x0_c / (2 * x0 * np.log(10))
cov = np.array([[mbe * mbe, cmbx1, cmbc], [cmbx1, x1e * x1e, cov_x1_c], [cmbc, cov_x1_c, ce * ce]])
if not is_pos_def(cov):
offset_mb = []
offset_x1 = []
offset_c = []
for mag, sorted_indexes, magcids, scale in \
zip(sysematics, sysematics_sort_indexes, sysematics_idss, systematics_scales):
if scale == 0:
if mag is None:
index = np.searchsorted(magcids, cid)
if index >= magcids.size or magcids[index] != cid:
offset_mb.append((mag['mB'][sorted_indexes[index]] - mb) * scale)
offset_x1.append((mag['x1'][sorted_indexes[index]] - x1) * scale)
offset_c.append((mag['c'][sorted_indexes[index]] - c) * scale)
if len(offset_mb) == 0:
if np.any(np.isnan(offset_mb)) or np.any(np.abs(offset_mb) > max_offset_mB):
num_bad_calib += 1
num_bad_calib_index += np.isnan(offset_mb)
offsets = np.vstack((offset_mb, offset_x1, offset_c))
if isinstance(cid, str):
cid = int(hashlib.sha256(cid.encode('utf-8')).hexdigest(), 16) % 10 ** 8
final_result = [cid, z, mass_prob, sim_mb, sim_x1, sim_c, mb, x1, c, bias_mB, bias_x1, bias_c] \
+ cov.flatten().tolist() + offsets.flatten().tolist()
if not os.path.exists(output_dir):
fitted_data = np.array(final_results).astype(np.float32)
np.save("%s/passed_%d.npy" % (output_dir, ind), fitted_data)
logging.info("Bias not found for %d out of %d SN (%d found)" % (not_found, base_fits.shape[0], base_fits.shape[0] - not_found))
logging.info("Calib faliures: %d in total. Breakdown: %s" % (num_bad_calib, num_bad_calib_index))
# Save the labels out
with open(output_dir + "/sys_names.pkl", 'wb') as f:
pickle.dump(systematic_labels_save, f, protocol=pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL)
if load_dump:
supernovae = load_dump_file(sim_dir)
all_mags = supernovae["S2mb"].astype(np.float64) + supernovae["MAGSMEAR_COH"].astype(np.float64)
all_zs = supernovae["Z"].astype(np.float64)
all_cids = supernovae["CID"].astype(np.int32)
cids_dict = dict([(c, True) for c in passed_cids])
supernovae_passed = np.array([c in cids_dict for c in all_cids])
mask_nan = ~np.isnan(all_mags)
all_data = np.vstack((all_mags[mask_nan] + 100 * supernovae_passed[mask_nan], all_zs[mask_nan])).T
if all_data.shape[0] > 7000000:
all_data = all_data[:7000000, :]
np.save(output_dir + "/all_%s.npy" % ind, all_data.astype(np.float32))
logging.info("%d nans in apparents. Probably correspond to num sims." % (~mask_nan).sum())
[docs]def convert(base_folder, load_dump=False, override=False, skip=11, biascor=None, zipped=True):
dump_dir, output_dir, nml_file = get_directories(base_folder)
logging.info("Found nml file %s" % nml_file)
systematic_labels, systematics_scales = get_systematic_scales(nml_file, override=override)
sim_dirs = get_realisations(base_folder, dump_dir)
version = ""
if base_folder.split("_")[-1].startswith("v"):
version = "_" + base_folder.split("_")[-1]
for sim in sim_dirs:
sim_name = os.path.basename(sim)
if "-0" in sim_name:
this_output_dir = output_dir + sim_name.split("-0")[0]
this_output_dir = output_dir + sim_name
if base_folder.endswith("sys"):
this_output_dir += "sys"
this_output_dir += version
digest_simulation(sim, systematics_scales, this_output_dir, systematic_labels, load_dump=load_dump,
skip=skip, biascor=biascor, zipped=zipped)
if __name__ == "__main__":
logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG, format="[%(funcName)20s()] %(message)s")
# convert("DES3YR_DES_NOMINAL")
# convert("DES3YR_LOWZ_NOMINAL")
# convert("DES3YR_DES_BULK_v8", skip=6)
# convert("DES3YR_LOWZ_BULK_v8", skip=6)
# convert("DES3YR_DES_SAM_COHERENT_v8", skip=11)
# convert("DES3YR_DES_SAM_MINUIT_v8", skip=11)
# convert("DES3YR_LOWZ_SAM_COHERENT_v8", skip=11)
# convert("DES3YR_LOWZ_SAM_MINUIT_v8", skip=11)
# convert("DES3YR_LOWZ_BULK", skip=6)
# convert("DES3YR_DES_SAMTEST", skip=11)
# convert("DES3YR_LOWZ_SAMTEST", skip=11)
# convert("DES3YR_DES_BHMEFF_v8", load_dump=True, skip=11, zipped=True)
# convert("DES3YR_LOWZ_BHMEFF_v8", load_dump=True, skip=11, zipped=True)
# convert("DES3YR_LOWZ_VALIDATION", skip=11)
# convert("DES3YR_DES_VALIDATION", skip=11)