import numpy as np
from scipy.ndimage import gaussian_filter1d
from scipy.stats import norm, skewnorm
from scipy.optimize import curve_fit, minimize
import os
import inspect
import logging
[docs]def des_sel(cov_scale=1.0, shift=None, type="G10", kappa=0, zlim=None, version=None):
if type is None:
name = "snana_data/DES3YR_DES_BHMEFF_CD"
name = "snana_data/DES3YR_DES_BHMEFF_AM%s" % type
if version is not None:"Using version %s" % version)
name += "_%s" % version
sn, mean, cov, _ = get_selection_effects_cdf(name, kappa=kappa, zlim=zlim)
if shift is None:
shift = np.array([0.0, 0, 0.0, 0.0])
mean += shift"Getting DES selection, shift of %s" % shift)
cov *= cov_scale
return sn, mean, cov, kappa
[docs]def lowz_sel(cov_scale=1.0, shift=None, type="G10", kappa=0, zlim=None, version=None):
if type is None:
type = "G10"
name = "snana_data/DES3YR_LOWZ_BHMEFF_%s" % type
if version is not None:"Using version %s" % version)
name += "_%s" % version
sn, mean, cov, _ = get_selection_effects_skewnorm(name, kappa=kappa, zlim=zlim)
if shift is None:
shift = np.array([0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0])
mean += shift"Getting LOWZ selection, shift of %s" % shift)
cov *= cov_scale
return sn, mean, cov, kappa
[docs]def get_data(base, zlim=None):
file = os.path.abspath(inspect.stack()[0][1])
dir_name = os.path.dirname(file)
folder = dir_name + "/" + base
supernovae_files = [folder + "/" + f for f in os.listdir(folder) if f.startswith("all")]
supernovae_data = [np.load(f) for f in supernovae_files]
supernovae = np.vstack(tuple(supernovae_data))
passed = supernovae[:, 0] > 100
mags = supernovae[:, 0] - 100 * passed.astype(
zs = supernovae[:, 1]
if zlim is not None:
mask = zs < zlim
mags = mags[mask]
passed = passed[mask]
return mags, passed
[docs]def get_ratio(base_folder, cut_mag=19.75, delta=0, zlim=None):
mB_all, passed = get_data(base_folder, zlim=zlim)
mB_passed = mB_all[passed]
# Bin data and get ratio
# import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# plt.hist(mB_passed, 100)
# exit()
hist_all, bins = np.histogram(mB_all, bins=100)
hist_passed, _ = np.histogram(mB_passed, bins=bins)
hist_passed_err = np.sqrt(hist_passed)
binc = 0.5 * (bins[:-1] + bins[1:])
keep = binc > cut_mag
binc = binc[keep]
hist_all[hist_all == 0] = 1
ratio = hist_passed[keep] / hist_all[keep]
ratio_error = ratio * (hist_passed_err[keep] / (hist_passed[keep] + 0.01))
ratio_smooth = gaussian_filter1d(ratio, 2)
ratio_smooth_error = gaussian_filter1d(ratio_error, 2)
return binc, ratio, ratio_error, ratio_smooth, ratio_smooth_error
[docs]def get_selection_effects_cdf(dump_npy, plot=False, cut_mag=19, kappa=0, zlim=None):
binc, ratio, ratio_error, ratio_smooth, ratio_smooth_error = get_ratio(dump_npy, cut_mag=cut_mag, delta=kappa, zlim=zlim)
# print(binc, ratio)
def cdf(b, mean, sigma, alpha, n):
model = (1 - norm.cdf(b, loc=mean, scale=sigma)) * n + 10 * alpha
return model
threshold = 0.02
red_chi2 = 100
adj = 0.0001
r2 = None
while np.abs(red_chi2 - 1) > threshold:
if red_chi2 > 1:
adj *= 1.01
adj *= 0.98
ratio_error_adj = np.sqrt(ratio_error**2 + adj**2)
# ratio_error_adj = 0.001 + ratio_error * adj
# print(ratio_error_adj)
result = curve_fit(cdf, binc, ratio, p0=np.array([23.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.5]), sigma=ratio_error_adj)
vals, cov, *_ = result
chi2 = np.sum(((ratio - cdf(binc, *vals)) / ratio_error_adj) ** 2)
red_chi2 = chi2 / (len(binc) - 3)
if r2 is None:
r2 = red_chi2
if plot:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib import rc
rc('text', usetex=True)
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(4, 3))
ax.errorbar(binc, ratio, yerr=ratio_error_adj, ls="none", fmt='o', ms=3, label="Simulation")
#ax.errorbar(binc, ratio_smooth, yerr=ratio_smooth_error, label="Bin(err) (smoothed)")
mbs = np.linspace(binc[0], binc[-1], 1000)
cdf_eval = cdf(mbs, *vals)
for i in range(50):
rands = np.random.multivariate_normal([0, 0, 0, 0], cov=cov)
vals2 = vals + rands
cdf_eval2 = cdf(mbs, *vals2)
plt.plot(mbs, cdf_eval2, c='k', alpha=0.05)
ax.plot(mbs, cdf_eval, c='k', label="Fitted efficiency")
ax.legend(frameon=False, loc=3)
ax.set_xlim(20, 24)
name = os.path.basename(dump_npy)
ax.text(0.98, 0.95, "DES 3YR Spectroscopically Confirmed", verticalalignment='top', horizontalalignment='right', transform=ax.transAxes)
# fig.savefig("../../../papers/methods/figures/%s_%0.2f.png" % (name, delta), bbox_inches="tight", transparent=True)
# fig.savefig("../../../papers/methods/figures/%s.pdf" % name, bbox_inches="tight", transparent=True)
print(vals, cov, r2)
return False, vals, cov, r2
[docs]def get_selection_effects_skewnorm(dump_npy, plot=False, cut_mag=10, kappa=0, zlim=None):
binc, ratio, ratio_error, ratio_smooth, ratio_smooth_error = get_ratio(dump_npy, delta=kappa, cut_mag=cut_mag, zlim=zlim)
def sknorm(b, mean, sigma, alpha, n):
model = skewnorm.pdf(b, alpha, loc=mean, scale=sigma) * n
return model
threshold = 0.1
red_chi2 = np.inf
adj = 0.0001
goal = 1
r2 = None
while np.abs(red_chi2 - goal) > threshold:
if red_chi2 > goal:
adj *= 1.2
adj *= 0.8
# ratio_error_adj = ratio_smooth_error + adj
ratio_error_adj = np.sqrt(ratio_smooth_error**2 + adj**2)
result = curve_fit(sknorm, binc, ratio_smooth, p0=np.array([15.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.5]),
sigma=ratio_error_adj, bounds=([10, 0, -10, 0], [30, 10, 10, 5.0]))
vals, cov, *_ = result
chi2 = np.sum(((ratio - sknorm(binc, *vals)) / ratio_error_adj) ** 2)
red_chi2 = chi2 / (len(binc) - 3)
if r2 is None:
r2 = red_chi2
if plot:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib import rc
rc('text', usetex=True)
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(4, 3))
ax.errorbar(binc, ratio, yerr=ratio_error_adj, ls="none", fmt='o', ms=3, label="Simulation")
# ax.errorbar(binc, ratio_smooth, yerr=ratio_smooth_error)
mbs = np.linspace(binc[0], binc[-1], 1000)
cdf_eval = sknorm(mbs, *vals)
for i in range(50):
rands = np.random.multivariate_normal([0, 0, 0, 0], cov=cov)
vals2 = vals + rands
cdf_eval2 = sknorm(mbs, *vals2)
plt.plot(mbs, cdf_eval2, c='k', alpha=0.05)
ax.plot(mbs, cdf_eval, c='k', label="Fitted efficiency")
ax.legend(frameon=False, loc=2)
ax.set_xlim(13, 17)
ax.set_ylim(0, 0.4)
name = os.path.basename(dump_npy)
ax.text(0.98, 0.95, "Combined LowZ Sample", verticalalignment='top', horizontalalignment='right', transform=ax.transAxes)
# fig.savefig("../../../papers/methods/figures/%s.png" % name, bbox_inches="tight", transparent=True)
# fig.savefig("../../../papers/methods/figures/%s.pdf" % name, bbox_inches="tight", transparent=True)
return True, vals, cov, r2
[docs]def test_colour_contribution():
ds = []
a1 = []
a2 = []
for delta in np.linspace(-2.5, -4, 40):
sn, mean, cov, adj = get_selection_effects_cdf("snana_data/DES3YR_DES_BHMEFF_AMG10", kappa=delta)
_, _, _, adj2 = get_selection_effects_cdf("snana_data/DES3YR_DES_BHMEFF_AMC11", kappa=delta)
# sn, mean, cov, adj = get_selection_effects_skewnorm("snana_data/DES3YR_LOWZ_BHMEFF_G10", kappa=delta)
# _, _, _, adj2 = get_selection_effects_skewnorm("snana_data/DES3YR_LOWZ_BHMEFF_C11", kappa=delta)
print("%5.2f %5.2f %5.2f" % (delta, adj, adj2))
# print(mean)
# print(np.sqrt(np.diag(cov)))
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
plt.plot(ds, a1)
plt.plot(ds, a2)
if __name__ == "__main__":
# get_selection_effects_skewnorm("snana_data/DES3YR_LOWZ_BHMEFF_G10", plot=True)
# get_selection_effects_skewnorm("snana_data/DES3YR_LOWZ_BHMEFF_C11", plot=True)
# test_colour_contribution()
# get_selection_effects_cdf("snana_data/DES3YR_DES_BHMEFF_AMG10", plot=True)
# print("---")
# get_selection_effects_cdf("snana_data/DES3YR_DES_BHMEFF_AMC11", plot=True)
# print("---")
get_selection_effects_cdf("snana_data/DES3YR_DES_BHMEFF_CD", plot=True, cut_mag=19)
# _, mean, cov = get_selection_effects_cdf("snana_data/DES3YR_DES_BHMEFF_AMG10")
# print(mean, np.sqrt(np.diag(cov)))
# _, mean, cov = get_selection_effects_cdf("snana_data/DES3YR_DES_BHMEFF_AMC11")
# print(mean, np.sqrt(np.diag(cov)))